Brand video Adverts
The project brief was to ideate and execute three brand adverts for PopUp Painting. Each video would represent the ideal customer who would seek out a sip and paint event. After brainstorming, and creating three separate storyboards and scripts myself and the team produced, ‘Get Together’ well spent time with those you care about. ‘Date Night’ Those couples looking to experience something fun and different together and ‘Team Events’ corporate team bonding experiences can be a drag so pick a PopUp Painting event and bond over unleashing your creativity.
Days Of Note – To Increase Brand Voice
As part of a continuous marketing effect and to increase the brand message larger video productions were written and directed for social media. These are just some examples of what has been produced.
Fun Videos To Increase Brand Awareness
Marketing does not have to be all about increasing sales and numbers etc.. it can also include fun and games. Above are a few fun ideas created and directed by myself. To ensure brand awareness, so the brand stays visible and creates engagement and loyalty.
Creative Assets For Multi-Media Channels

A selection of on brand graphic assets for campaigns across social media, paid adverts, websites, and email platforms.
That’s Creative Podcast!
That’s Creative was initially born out of the urge to just have a conversation! Then during lockdown, it grew into something more, to stay connected and to keep the brand visible. Its third transformation is where it took off. At its heart That’s Creative Podcast has retained its message which is to express that everyone is creative in their daily lives whether they realise it or not.
Creative Social Memes

To demonstrate some fun creative thinking the above is a selection of amusing creative memes for general social posting to stay on top of trends and to increase brand awareness.